Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What we'll do to watch some hockey!

You know you're Canadian when you start blogging about hockey in the middle of a boating sabbatical, right?!  We can say that we've put a lot more effort into trying to watch the Sens play, than those bums deserve right now.  You Leafs fans can give it a rest, okay?!  We know it's a bad year already.

Our journey of discovery began just after New Years in Norfolk, Virginia, right smack in the middle of junior hockey playoffs.  For you football fans, you may also remember this as the Bowls Games time of year too.  The bartenders we coaxed into checking the NHL channels did so with good humour, if not with a touch of skepticism.  We got to see the Penguins but that was about it.

After several attempts, we finally got the Canada/Russia game at Chili's.  The bartender said, "you know Virginia Tech is playing tonight, right?!"  In other words, we could watch the hockey game on one of the side TVs on mute.  Fair concession.  Good venue. Poor outcome.  Enough said there.

With our knees sore from pleading our hockey case to every bartender on the Eastern seaboard, Scott thought it would be a good idea to subscribe to NHL Game Centre Live - live streaming of all the NHL hockey games.  Good idea, in theory.

The only challenge, is that you need a decent WiFi signal to actually stream the feed.  At first, we'd try to balance our laptop in precarious positions on the boat, but as transient boaters, you often get the last spot on the dock, so the wireless signal sucks (quite frankly).

Finally, in Marconi fashion, we sought out in search of a better signal.  And did we find this elusive signal? Indeed we did.  Sometimes, in a Captain's lounge which a nice dockmaster would keep open for us.  Other times, it was the laundry room, the bathroom (NOT Sue), and freezing our Canadian buns off in cold outside of the marina office, where the signal was somehow always the best.

Last night though, we actually caught a decent enough signal to watch the Sens lose again, right in our own boat! Pure luxury!

Maybe it's time to get back to yoga again....
PS - Go Sens Go (already)!


  1. OK... methinks the Sens are in need of a Sabbatical as well!

  2. Streaming hockey feeds - Tell Me About it! Spend all your time finding a decnt one only for the "broadcast has been closed" for whatever reason they use. Shame you're not a Habs fan - RDS feeds tend to be the best I've found - and you generally get to watch much better hockey than if you are watching the Sens...Laffs don't even merit a mention - we are talking about hockey after all!
