Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Happy Birthday To Sue!

Today is one of those important days in a persons life - a celebration that you are who you are.   Now we all know that Sue is not a big fan of birthday parties, but it is a big day for her family and for myself especially.  Sue is without doubt the best part of my life and a constant source of love and pride.  After 25 years together, Sue is still the person I most want to spend my life with.

Happy Birthday Bear - I Love You!


  1. Lovely sentiments Scott! Happy Birthday Sue!

  2. Very well said my friend. You are a lucky man, and we are lucky to have you both as neighbours. Happy belated birthday Sue. You've missed the deep freeze here, but I managed to get Sylvana out to the forest again for hot chocolate over the fire. She thought it was cool... actually it was damned cold!
