Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Tribute to The Carolinas

Having just entered Georgia after nearly 3 weeks of boating in The Carolinas, we felt it was appropriate to pay tribute to this wonderful region.

We were very impressed by the boating in The Carolinas.  The beautiful coastline and picturesque scenery however was no match for the genteel and charming people we encountered along the way.  We were truly amazed by the degree of authenticity and genuine friendliness everywhere we went - restaurants, stores, marinas, and even strangers walking past on the street.  When people discovered we weren’t “from around here”, they openly welcomed us to their town or city.

People were consistently kind and helpful.  And, we loved the “Hi Y’al!” greeting everytime.  Who could resist that charm?  One of The Carolina mottos is “Beautiful Places and Friendly Faces”.  The people certainly live up to that motto, without question.  

Would we come to back to The Carolinas? “Oh Halya!”  Had to get that in there.  If you ever get the chance to visit The Carolinas, it’s well worth it.

Sunset at Ocean Isle, NC

Okay, maybe one more sunset picture - Scott's right, I can't resist you know!

1 comment:

  1. Another wondrous pic of the sunset over the still water. Colours amazing. Could be a screensaver.
