Friday, January 7, 2011

Coinjock Success

5 days of provisioning and repairs/upgrades later we are underway!  I am going to have to start to turn a blind eye to some things or I may be working on the boat full time at a dock in FLA!  Over the last week we have:
Love that new radio!

  • Added a new radio and handheld courtesy of my friends at CGI - thank you very much!
  • Added a Radar system;
  • Upgraded the chart plotting system to include the US Eastern seaboard and the Bahamas;
  • Doubled the capacity of the batteries for the house;
  • Fixed the charging system on the boat for the 4th time - it's now new from end to end!  She now puts out 100AMPs and 14volts.  There must be something wrong with me, but every time I look down and see those voltmeters pinned at 14V I smile!
  • Greased the shaft pillow blocks and tightened one underway;
  • Replaced a  worn and cracked fuel line - and as is my habit sliced my arm on a tie wrap end.  No stitches this time, but it needed 3 steri-strips to close it up.  I guess that's why I travel with a doctor; and
  • Fixed the door on the electrical panel that blew off crossing the bar at Barneget during my last trip down with Neal.
In the mean time Sue provisioned the boat with food and supplies and decided she would take up crochet and make up some "little" boat slippers for us both.  She is a busy little bee that one!

And with the boat ready to go we headed South to Coinjock.  No we did not just make up that name - that's where we are now.  We had a nice easy run from Norfolk today about 40 miles of canals and a little shallow open water - all in all a very easy run.

Tomorrow we will be going to Bellhaven across the Albermerle Sound and back into the canals.  Forecast is for sun and increasing winds in the afternoon so we will be getting an early start and get back into the canals for noon.

We are on our way again - feels good to be making progress to the sunny and warm south.


  1. Ahoy matey... from your biggest fans and next door neighbours who are once again living vicariously through you two who have the courage to take on such an adventure. Whoops... Miriam is now looking at me stunned... as I'd forgotten my own tiny jaunts recently. I guess that means I'm up for another in due time.

    Good to hear the boat is ship shape now, and that you didn't slice the hand off (staying positive on that). Your house is fine, as are the inhabitants, and Sylvana has been over to play with the kids again which I think she likes (if the boys aren't "killing her softly with their songs").

    Big dump of snow today, but ever so gently falling and quite pretty actually. Going to go out for a jaunt in the bush today. Finished nightshift on Fri morning, and a great relaxing weekend is now up for us.

    Getting ready for Mir's b-day (#47) on Fri... and will try to organize a nice night for just the 2 of us. Not much else going on but will pull up a map and explain to the kids where you are. Glad to hear you have the computerized charting, top notch radio, GPS, and radar now (lots of comfort to be taken in that... especially when the ocean run comes).

    Take care... Godspeed... and don't go overboard on the rum rations.

    Brad and Miriam

    PS - "Oh the year was 1778 how I wish I were in Sherbrooke now... when a letter of Marque came from the King to the scummiest vessel I'd ever seen... etc". Helpful hint - Privateering for the Queen will only bring big ass US aircraft carriers hunting you down... but... the positive is... you can probably hide in their wake (if you don't get sucked into the ugly beast's belly). Hmmm... could be a song in that too. Think I'll have a rum ration myself!

  2. Thanks Pal - wish Mir a happy B-Day from Sue and I as well! I'm sitting on a porch outside at 0degrees so I will keep this short - but watch for my next post - it will be a doosey!
