Thursday, January 27, 2011

Brunswick Blues

We had intended to stay one night in Brunswick, but the following day was pouring rain, so I decided to get a little maintenance done and did a full oil and filter change on both CATs.  Not hard work, but it takes a while to change out 17l of oil and two very large oil filters on each engine.  With the maintenance done, and the engine room cleaned up a little, I thought we were ready to go the following day, however, mother nature had another idea - WIND and lots of it 60 km/h.  Enough to throw up a one foot wave in a 100 yard wide canal - certainly enough to blow out the water in the rest of the ICW and make low water too thin to pass - so we stayed another night.

The city is a bit of a mixed bag of nice historic waterfront homes and shopping and some less well maintained areas supporting those with lower incomes.  That said, there are some very nice vistas we enjoyed very much.  The live Oaks in the city were incredible - after hundreds of years they have taken over yards and intersections reaching full city blocks with their trunk like limbs.

Lovers Oak

One of Many Churches

A Grand Old Home - Once

We continue South from here and expect to be in FLA on Thursday - although just!


1 comment:

  1. Talk about a fantastic Oak! Wonder if mine will ever look like that... I'll be a ghost if and when that happens.
