Saturday, May 21, 2011

Revi Reaches 5000!

During our recent trip with Donna and Neil to Black Point Settlement in Great Guana Cay, we noted that our GPS mileage was close to the 5000KM mark.  We took time to capture the milestone before docking the boat at the SCYC.

"Not all those who wander are lost"- J. R. R. Tolkien

We did not have an end point in mind, nor a distance objective per-se, but 5000KM seemed like a good time to turn around and start heading back the other way.  Staniel Cay will be our Southern terminus this time round.

Throughout this trip we have held fast to the idea that the goal was to enjoy the trip and not the destination, and with the exception of a day or two here and there, we have enjoyed the experience tremendously.  With that in mind, perhaps we are not so much on our way back as continuing the journey.

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty interesting, you guys, because we also stopped at 5000 kilometers and headed back by plane. Coincidence? Hmmmm....

    BTW, LOVE that quote by Tolkien.
