Monday, August 23, 2010


For those with a taste for the macabre I thought I would update on progress with my thumb. It’s the strangest thing, unless I think about it I don’t even notice that there is a problem! Now many of you that know me well understand that I have had quite a collection of stitches over the years. I am easily over 60 for various reasons usually related to motorcycles, sports or “handyman” activity. So honestly, I know the drill, pain, swelling, throbbing, tightness, itchiness…

But none of it, OK so it’s a little tight and I don’t have full range of motion at the tip of my thumb, but it really is not bad at all. Despite what it looks like at the moment.

So there you have it, looks bad – no worries!

Call me a two handed captain again – well no need for a hook just yet!


1 comment:

  1. Scott & Jack said they'd like to use your thumb as a train track for their toy trains... hmmmm
